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3rd European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference

Published on July 19, 2023 Updated on November 8, 2023

on the November 8, 2023

The 3rd European Culture and Technology Lab+ Annual Conference will take place in the Media Arts & Design Research Lab (MADLab), Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, on the 17th and 18th of November 2023.

Speculative Enquiries: Aesthetic, ethical, and epistemic technologies

The 3rd annual Conference hosted by the European University of Technology and organized by the European Culture and Technology Laboratory ‘ECT Lab+’ aims to bring together experts from the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Technology, and other fields exploring ways of enquiry that enrich (non-)positivist ways of knowing as well as post-structuralist critique towards them. Given the political, representative and epistemic crises of the current times, there is a need for transdisciplinary responses to overcome siloed thinking of academic fields of study and offer solutions by revisiting questions of speculation at the basis of science, engineering, design and the arts. Speculation can provide analytical, imaginative, political and experimental means as well as inspire the production of artifacts (engineering, design, arts, crafts) to get beyond the current epistemic Krisis. At the very same time, given its role in economics, colonialism and war, speculation (both as Speculatio and Speculum) itself, can and ought be under critique.

Under these premises, we invite papers, panels, performances, workshops, seminars, poster presentations, artistic submissions, artist talks, installations, and interventions that address the relationship between technology, epistemology, and design. The open call is directed to scholars, philosophers, scientists, artists, designers, and creative practitioners.

Download the program

Call for papers

Please submit a 250-word description/ abstract (excluding references) for your proposed intervention/ presentation before September 1st 2023.

Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous (metadata included) to allow for blind refereeing.

Please send your title and abstract to: ectlabconference2023@univ-tech.eu

The notification of acceptance will be September 8th 2023.

Proceedings of the conference will be published after the conference.

Possible interventions or responses could consider but are not restricted to:
  • Speculative Fabulations and Future Technological Imaginaries
  • Alternative histories of Enlightenment
  • Left/Right-wing Accelerationism / Techno-socialist/Techno-capitalist imaginaries
  • Anti-epistemologies / Hybrid Epistemologies / Post-truth
  • Speculative Archaeology / Archaeology of Speculation / Punk Archaeology / Media Archaeology
  • Alien phenomenology / post-phenomenological frameworks
  • Non-representational Theory / Non-representational Method
  • Collapsology / Dark Ecology / Neg-Anthropocene
  • Queer Ecology and the Post-natural
  • Techno-religious frameworks / Technological Occultism / Magic
The keynote speakers will be:
  • Francesca Ferrando (New York University, USA; Global Posthuman Network)
  • Gayle Rogers (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  • Paolo Vignola (Universitat de Artes Guayaquil, Ecuador)
For queries please contact connell.vaughan@tudublin.ie or m.koutsomichalis@cut.ac.cy
Date of update 08 novembre 2023