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Second EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies

Published on November 23, 2021 Updated on January 28, 2022

on the February 1, 2022

Call for abstracts from 15th of November. The second EUt+ Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies will be held in a hybrid mode both at UPCT (Cartagena, Spain) and online on January 31st, February 1st and February 2nd 2022.

This workshop will be an online workshop with different sessions over two days. Presentations will be between 12 to 20 min.

Practical Information

Dates: January 31st – February 2nd 2022
Location: UPCT (Spain) and Virtual meeting (hybrid workshop)


The main purpose of the Workshop is to renew the momentum gained during the first workshop last April.

A call for abstract for the second workshop on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies amongst the 8 partners of the European University of Technology / EUt+ is open.

This workshop will be in hybrid mode both on-site at UPCT (Cartagena, Spain) and online with different sessions over two days and each presentation will be between 12 to 20 min.

Authors from Universities and Research Institutes are invited to submit their contributions on the various topics will be addressed during this workshop such as (but not only):
•    Modeling and Simulation
•    Nano & quantum materials
•    Nanomaterials, Nanodevices: Fabrication, Characterization and Application
•    Nano-optics & nanophotonics
•    Quantum technologies
•    Nanobiomechanics
•    Nanobiotechnologies
•    Nanocatalysis
•    Nanoelectronics
•    Nanomedical Applications: Drug Delivery, and Tissue Engineering
•    Nanotechnology and Coating
•    Nanotechnology and Environment
•    Nanoscience   
•    Quantum nanostructures
•    …

Book of Abstracts

Date of update 28 janvier 2022