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Université de technologie de Troyes

About UTT


Troyes , Champagne, France


The Université de technologie de Troyes is a public institution awarding degrees mainly in technology and engineering from bachelor to PhD and longlife learning. It carries out coherently the missions of higher education, research and transfer of technology.

History and location

UTT was established in 1995 in the south of the Champagne county (now Région Grand Est). The university's main building reveals a futuristic elliptic-shaped facility that includes first rate equipment. The campus is located next to a sports complex, at the heart of the "Technopole de l'Aube en Champagne", less than five kilometers from the city center.

Key figures

  • 3189 students
  • 168 academic staff
  • 220 non-academic staff
  • 1 main campus (Troyes), 1 annex campus (Nogent)
  • 1 satellite campus in Shanghaï and a network of landing points in Africa
  • More than 220 active MoU with foreign HER institutions
  • 90%+ of students have a 1+ semester mobility abroad in their curricula
  • Curricula fully “à la carte”
  • Numerous innovative and alternative curricula
  • A sustainable development lab since 2001
  • Joint labs with CNRS, CEA, INRIA…

Main themes

Information technology and the digital society

Aims to design of a fully integrated, traceable and explicable processing chain able to treat complex problems and original research objects in a multidisciplinary way.


Aims at the development of modern scientific and technological issues in nanophotonics & nano-optics, and addressing multidisciplinary research focus areas.

Society-technology-environment interactions

Aims to analyse and understanding the evolutions and effects of phenomena of interaction between technology, society and the environment through the prism of sustainability, risks and safety.

Mechanical systems and meshing

Developing new materials, innovative processes/treatment and virtual engineering, product engineering methods such as understanding the physics and micromechanics of materials. Studies and develops automatic mesh generation algorithms, and advanced adaptive methodologies for numerical simulation.
Date of update 12 mai 2023